
North Balwyn Uniting Church maintains a Christian community of caring people who enjoy fellowship together and support each other in love and understanding.

Congregation members meet informally in many different groups, and are encouraged to participate in its many activities.


Adult Social Group

22An adult group that meets approximately 3 times a year a varied social program, such as guest speakers, pot luck dinners, sing-a-longs and dinners.

Contacts: Marg and Ted Wilkins




After Church Tea / Coffee

Tea/coffee is served every Sunday after the morning service.  This is a great way to meet other members of the congregation.


Music at NBUC is led by a choir, accompanied by a magnificent pipe organ.  Each service is planned so that music and the spoken word are integrated.

Click here for more information on the Music Program.

Contact: Bruce Steele AM (Music Director and Organist)

Church Centre

The Church Centre is versatile and well-equipped to cater for a range of church and community activities, including social and friendship groups or clubs such as Probus.

Contact: Church Office (

Cumbrae Group

A social group for women who meet monthly for friendship and social activities.

Contact: Trish Weickhardt

Dine Out

A happy and caring group who enjoy dining out together on the 2nd Friday of the month.

Contact: Margaret Beech

Occasional Shared Lunches

Lunches are held several times a year in the Church Centre after the morning service.


For further information on any of these activities and groups, or on hiring the Church Centre, please contact the Church Office.

Phone: 9857 8412 or